Children’s Day New Zealand – Te Rā O Ngā Tamariki
3 Mar

Celebrate Children's Day New Zealand Te Rā O Ngā Tamariki

You can never spoil a child with too much aroha. Showing warmth and affection builds trust and positive self-esteem.
Safe, loving, supportive whānau and communities surrounding tamariki will help them to grow and flourish.
Talking with tamariki and really listening to what they say makes them feel heard and builds their confidence.
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Support us in preventing child abuse
Because all children deserve to have big smiles on their face

What we do
The Child Abuse Prevention Foundation exists to protect children from child abuse in New Zealand.

We offer free workshops in Auckland and Hamilton for parents and caregivers

Your gift helps children in New Zealand have the opportunity to grow up in safe, stable, nurturing homes and communities!