Breaking the cycle of child abuse
Child abuse is known to repeat itself from generation to generation. If you were a victim of child abuse, there is high risk for you to go on to have abusive relationships in adulthood, either as an abuser or as a victim. If you think you are now being a victim or an abuser, and need consultation please call us, email us, or message us on Facebook to contact you with one of our consultants, and you can keep you identification hidden.
Get help when you need it
Taking care of your mental health and speaking out about your feelings and fears will help you to have an abusive free future.
Mental health help line: 1737 - free 24/7 - phone or text
Set your boundaries and respect other's boundaries
Boundaries are the limits you set, which define what kinds of behaviour are acceptable or unacceptable. Boundaries are important for both children and parents.
Protect your children
And teach them how to protect themselves
Nurture your children
There are lots of way to connect with children without touching them, like talking, playing, reading stories to them, helping them solve problems by themselves, and more.
However, affectionate, non-sexual touch through hugging, holding hands, and physical guidance when your child needs it are not abusive and are also important ways of nurturing your child.
Avoid harsh punishment
Use of punishment, such as spanking and humiliation, may de-sensitize your child to physical and emotional pain, making them more vulnerable to abuse. There is a lot of overlap between physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, and victims consistently report that emotional abuse is the most unbearable form, making them vulnerable to drug use to manage emotional pain.
Find the right relationship
These are some of the essential emotional needs. They vary from person to person.
- Affection
Physical touch, sexual intimacy, loving words, kind gestures. - Acceptance
Knowing your partner accepts you as you are can help create a sense of belonging in the relationship. - Security
Means respecting your boundaries, feeling safe enough to share your feelings and feeling physically safe with them. - Trust, Empathy and Connection
Learn techniques to calm yourself
Take several deep breaths. Count to 10. Take a walk. Listen to music. Think before you act, and when you do, practice collaborative communication with your child. Help your children to understand and make sense of their experiences. Encourage them to recognize and voice their emotions. This will help them to formulate their own coherent narrative throughout their lives, which can lead to increased psychological resilience and overall emotional well-being.
Educate yourself on the age appropriate behaviour of your child
If you learn what it is reasonable to expect from children of a particular age, you can save yourself a lot of frustration by having realistic expectations. For example, new-borns are not going to sleep through the night without a peep, and toddlers are not going to be able to sit quietly for extended periods of time.
Support us in preventing child abuse
Because all children deserve to have big smiles on their face

What we do
